Friday, June 11, 2010

Just because you can....

After the recent flap surrounding the MTV awards and the excessive cursing that went on during the telecast I pondered just why this is such a hot button item. Right off the bat I must admit that I did not watch the awards ceremony so I don't have first hand knowledge of the indiscretions so I had to rely on excerpts that have been flying around the internet.

I haven't watched MTV in years - for obvious reasons, I grew up and the incessant chatter has not. One of the most important lessons I learned along the way has been, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should...."

No, I'm not some boorish prig who doesn't like an occasional cuss word - just ask my wife who will attest to my very colorful language but after watching the clips of the cursing I came to the conclusion that they were all scripted - much like the kiss between Sandra Bullock and ah, whoever that was that she smooched on the face in between all the cussing. It was all so very phony that all I could think about was how lame it all appeared!

About halfway through the Youtube clip I stopped it and went on to more important things like finding another talking dog video, as someone who spent a major portion of my life in the Army, I know cussing when I hear it and that wasn't it! Even Sandy B's kiss was lame!

So, Hollywood, give it up. If you have to script yourself being edgy and foul-mouthed it ain't the %#$&$ing same as if you &*&$^#*& ^%&#*&% do it yourself. Do you understand you punk-@553d *&*(^&^$ ^(&Q#ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, Sandra Bullock, if you are gonna start mashing faces with girls do it with feeling!

Woody Sends

1 comment:

  1. Hey Woody.... the hounds, i recognize....
    but who's the monkey????
    Thailand, Malaysia, or P.I.????
    those were great times...... are you a member with S.F.A.???
    just had the convention here... Betty and i are a little burnt out, but it was a real hoot
    your brochacho,
