I don't hate them, but I dislike them very much and to quote Toughie the airborne soldier, "I wouldn't cross the street to piss on them if they were on fire." Talking heads, it doesn't matter which "news" channel, web page or op/ed column they appear in. Bill O'Reilly, Keith Oberman, that bucket head Limbaugh or the carpet muncher whats-her-name on MSNBC. They all suck and not in the good way! They are all pushing their brand of BS and ya know what? It all stinks!
I just got done watching a clip of Bill Maher on the George Lopez show - first off why on God's green earth would anyone give George Lopez a talk show? Anyway, old Bill spews his vile, angry, hatred of the American electorate and somehow we're all too stooopid to understand the issues unless somebody like him interprets if for us. Gee, thanks mr. Bill, I don't think I could grasp anything without your help. Whatta turd.
Oh, and the big flap about Juan Williams, who said that he gets nervous if he sees someone in arab garb on an airplane - well join the freakin' club. I used to work airport security and when they would come through the line the worst part is quite a lot of them never quite figured out that whole personal hygiene thing. Okay, so NPR finally gets something they can hang around his neck to fire his ass since apparently they don't like the fact that this black man actually has an opinion that is decidedly different than what NPR likes - so he didn't drink his koolaid and they shit-can him. Wellllll, guess what? your half-assed stab at political correctness just landed him a sweet deal from Fox News. Ain't that a surprise?
Bottom line is that as long as we continue to patronize as in follow these bozos they will continue to hang around. Turn off the tube once in a while, change the channel, do something to help make these turds go away.